「水晶之恋 各大外景基地」在水晶之恋不仅内景奢华丰富,其外景更是另有特色,从旗舰店出来就是世界公园独家外景基地,园内集世界各大著名建筑景点尽收其中,新人流连忘返。百亩花海景色更是丰富别致,随时间不同各种花草应有尽有,新人置身其中是最幸福浪漫的时刻。除此之外更有“中华文化园”“水云溪畔”“花卉大观园”“798艺术工厂”“涿州影视城”“十渡”“北戴河”“后海”等各具特色的外景基地,更有环球旅游拍摄,全世界都是您的摄影基地!
"The crystal of love Ten exterior ba se "in the crystal of love is not only rich interior luxury, otherwise, its location is out of the store is exclusive exterior world park ba se, the park sets world famous building sites are all among them, to make new people linger. One hundred acres of flowers and scenery is rich and chic, different over ……